Why can stroking a foreign dog be harmful? How can you tell if your pet should not be touched by strangers? How to pet a pet if its guardian agrees? We try to explain in our new post!
Author Archives: Michael
Collar or harness? This is a question that most dog owners will ask themselves sooner or later. However, the answer is not so simple.
For dogs, biting is an activity that engages them not only physically but also mentally. It helps them discharge excess energy and can also de-stress them very effectively.
Fast-fashion follows the current trends and cost little, investing in more expensive clothes might seem pointless. This saving, however, is only apparent, short-sighted and unethical.
What apart from sniffing, do dogs love to do? Of course, bite!
Żyjemy w dynamicznym świecie, gdzie rządzi tymczasowość. Szczególnie wyraźnie widać ją w przemyśle tekstylnym – króluje tam ultra fast fashion. Do wyboru mamy tysiące nowych ubrań,
Obroża jest niewątpliwie jednym z najważniejszych elementów psiego wyposażenia. Jednak każdy zwierzak jest inny, czy to pod kątem budowy ciała, gabarytów czy temperamentu
We share a love for dogs and the desire to create products that are truly environmentally friendly.